Monday, January 23, 2017

ScienceDirect PDFs

ScienceDirect is working on fixing the "Download PDF" link for their articles.

As they work on repairing the links, there is a method patrons can use to download the PDFs.

Once you have found the article on ScienceDirect, right-click on the "Download PDF" link and then select "Open in New Tab."

The PDF will download in the new tab.


Some users are also encountering issues with direct links from our Find It Service.  Science Direct is also working on a fix for this as well.

There is a method to work around this issue.

Once you have the article located on our Find It Service.  Instead of clicking on the "Full Text Online" button, click on the "details" link.  

The details link will open an area with a "browse journal" link.  Once you click on "browse journal", you can navigate through the journal to find the citation you are looking for.