Monday, August 23, 2010

Dykes collection cancellations for 2010-2011

For the current fiscal year, the Archie Dykes Library was required to reduce its acquisitions budget by $50,000.  Also, journal prices continue to inflate at a rate of 6-8% a year, requiring us to find another $80,000 in our budget to cover these increased costs.  This has put us in a position where we are obligated to cancel library materials to balance the budget.  As a result, the library has discontinued its subscriptions to the following resources:

BioMedCentral prepaid membership



Annual Reviews

Science STKE

Serials Solutions 360 Search

Next fiscal year (FY2012), we're expecting to manage additional budget reductions.  We share the unhappiness of our clientele at the cancellation of important library resources, and hope you all understand the need to reduce costs in a difficult budget environment.

Feel free to direct any questions or comments to: Bob Pisciotta (, 8-7311).