Friday, August 30, 2013
Building a Federated System for Publicly Funded Research
Three higher education associations have formed a joint steering group aiming to build a network of repositories to provide public access to federally funded research articles and data. The proposed SHare network is a response to the White House Directivee issued in February, 2013 that requires all federal agencies providing funding of 100 + million to make publicly available the articles resulting from such funding. The SHare group is comprised of members from the Association of American Universities, Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and Association of Research Libraries. An alternative public access plan, Chorus, has been proposed by the American Association of Publishers. The issue of whether publisher groups or higher education groups should build and manage repositories of research articles resulting from federal funds is under debate.
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
August 27 was Deadline for Public Access Expansion Plans by U.S. Agencies doing R & D
Federal agencies with 100 + million in R & D funding were to have submitted public access plans to the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) by August 27, 2013 per a White House Directive issued in February, 2013. The public access expansion directs other federal agencies who issue grant funding to require that recipients post the results of their research in public access systems similar to PubMed Cental, the NIH funded research article repository. This news announcement by the Association of American of Publishers contains their proposal for developing a public access database called Chorus. There are pros and cons to giving publishers control of public access databases, so look for future posts pointing to news announcements from other agencies proposing alternative public access repositories.
Friday, August 16, 2013
Medical Students Get Free Epocrates Essentials in August
Epocrates is continuing their Student Appreciation Program. Through the month of August, KUMC Medical Students can use Epocrates Essentials free for the entire year. This is a $159 value!
To register for a license and download the app:
To register for a license and download the app:
- Complete the form at, selecting "Univ of Ks Sch of Med" as your school.
- Select “GET IT NOW”. You will be redirected to the Epocrates registration page where you can register for a new account or sign into your existing account. To access the free Epocrates Essentials you must list your occupation as “medical student”.
- Verify their medical student standing. If you cannot be verified immediately, you can “SKIP” this section and Epocrates will follow up directly to verify.
- Once the registration is complete, you will see your shopping cart with
- Epocrates Essentials and the discount should reflect a cost of $0.00.
- When you have confirmed the purchase, you will be directed to download Epocrates on your device.
We're sorry that Epocrates only offers the Appreciation program for
medical students and not nursing or other health profession students.
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
NIH Public Access Compliance
NIH Public Access Policy
Presentation offered by the
Dykes Library with Cancer Center & Research Institute staff
Tuesday, August 13
10-11 am
School of Nursing B011
Learn how to comply with the NIH
Public Access Policy, and use the tools needed to manage the compliance
process. Tools covered include PubMed, PubMed Central, My NCBI, and eRA
Commons. Target audience is principal investigators, research administrators,
faculty and staff involved in NIH grant administration. To register, visit
nih mandate
public access
pubmed central
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